Now showing: Morocco - Postage stamps (1990 - 1999) - 181 stamps.
15. January WM: None Design: A. El Haimeur. Perforation: 14
![[Day of the Stamp, type ARM]](
![[Day of the Stamp, type ARN]](
17. February WM: None Perforation: 14
![[The 1st Anniversary of Union of Arab Maghreb, type ]](
14. May WM: None Design: A. El Haimeur. Perforation: 13¾ x 14
![[The 3rd World Olive Year, type ARP]](
![[The 3rd World Olive Year, type ARQ]](
28. May WM: None Perforation: 14
![[Blind Week, type ARR]](
11. June WM: None Perforation: 14
![[Red Crescent - Moroccan Copperware, type ARS]](
17. September WM: None Design: M. Bojanaani. Perforation: 14
![[International Literacy Year, type ART]](
26. October WM: None Design: Rhorbal. Perforation: 14
![[Birds, type ARU]](
![[Birds, type ARV]](
6. November WM: None Perforation: 14
![[The 15th Anniversary of "Green March", type ARW]](
18. November WM: None Design: A. El Haimeur. Perforation: 14
![[The 35th Anniversary of Independence, type ARX]](
26. November WM: None Perforation: 14
![[Irrigation Projects, type ARY]](
28. December WM: None Perforation: 14
![[The 10th Anniversary of Royal Academy of Morocco, type ARZ]](
31. December WM: None Design: A. El Haimeur. Perforation: 13
![[The 20th Anniversary of National Postal Museum, type ASA]](
![[The 20th Anniversary of National Postal Museum, type ASB]](
25. January WM: None Design: A. El Haimeur. Perforation: 14
![[Day of the Stamp 1990, type ASC]](
![[Day of the Stamp 1990, type ASD]](
25. January WM: None Perforation: 14
![[The 40th Anniversary of United Nations Development Programme, type ASE]](
3. March WM: None Perforation: 14¼ x 13¼
![[The 30th Anniversary of Enthronement of King Hassan II, type ASF]](
![[The 30th Anniversary of Enthronement of King Hassan II, type ASG]](
28. March WM: None Design: M. Bojaanani. Perforation: 14
![[The 70th Anniversary of Mineral Exploitation by Sherifian Phosphates Office, type ASH]](
15. May WM: None Perforation: 14
![[Blind Week, type ASI]](
27. May WM: None Design: Rhorbal. Perforation: 14
![[Red Crescent - Moroccan Copperware, type ASJ]](
27. June WM: None Design: Lisette Delooz. Perforation: 14
![[Flowers, type ASK]](
![[Flowers, type ASL]](
31. July WM: None Design: M. Bouannani. Perforation: 14
![[Ouarzazate Costumes, type ASM]](
![[Ouarzazate Costumes, type ASN]](
2. September WM: None Perforation: 14¼
![[King Hassan II, type ALM16]](
23. September WM: None Perforation: 14
![[The 19th World Roads Congress, Marrakesh, type ASP]](
30. October WM: None Perforation: 14
![[The 4th Ordinary Session of Arab Maghreb Union Presidential Council, Casablanca, type ASQ]](
6. November WM: None Perforation: 14
![[The 16th Anniversary of "Green March", type ASR]](
20. November WM: None Design: Lisette Delooz. Perforation: 14
![[Birds, type ASS]](
![[Birds, type AST]](
2. December WM: None Design: Lisette Delooz. Perforation: 14
![[World AIDS Day, type ASU]](
9. December WM: None Perforation: 14
![[The 20th Anniversary of Islamic Conference Organization, type ASV]](
16. December WM: None Design: M. Bouannani. Perforation: 14
![[African Tourism Year, type ASW]](
13. January WM: None Design: A. El Haimeur. Perforation: 14
![[Day of the Stamp, type ASX]](
![[Day of the Stamp, type ASY]](
17. February WM: None Design: Rhorbal. Perforation: 14
![[International Space Year, type ASZ]](
19. March WM: None Perforation: 14
![[Blind Week, type ATA]](
30. March WM: None Design: Rhorbal. Perforation: 14
![[Red Crescent - Moroccan Copperware, type ATB]](
11. May WM: None Perforation: 14
![[Minerals, type ATC]](
![[Minerals, type ATD]](
25. May WM: None Design: M. Bouannani. Perforation: 14
![[Tata Costumes, type ATE]](
![[Tata Costumes, type ATF]](
13. July WM: None Design: Lisette Delooz. Perforation: 14
![[Flowers, type ATG]](
![[Flowers, type ATH]](
24. July WM: None Design: Lisette Delooz. Perforation: 14 x 13¾
![[Olympic Games - Barcelona, Spain, type ATI]](
14. September WM: None Design: A. El Haimeur. Perforation: 13¾ x 14
![[The 10th Anniversary of Transport and Communications in Africa, type ATJ]](